Takes you places!


Walking ‘Beyond the Heysen’

From where the Heysen Trail ends in Parachilna Gorge, the Flinders Ranges extend North through pastoral leases, conservation areas, Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park, Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary and the Indigenous Protected Area of Nantawarrina, to Mt Hopeless.

Torrens Linear Park from Royston Park, 26 Feb
Grampians NP, 7 Mar - 10 Mar
GSWW - Moleside to Nelson, 8 Mar - 12 Mar
Tasmania, King William Range, Packraft on the Gordon, 8 Mar - 18 Mar
Hallett Cove Beach, 12 Mar
Hiking gear for hire at reasonable rates. Try out gear before you buy your own.
Checklist of equipment, food ideas, water, first aid list, rules, minimal impact bushwalking and what to do if you get lost.
Meetings 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month, in the hall at the North Adelaide Community Centre.
Joining ABW takes you to new places you may never have heard of, off the beaten track, and to have new experiences.